Full Height Turnstile CPW-221B

Tripod Turnstile Komersial

Full Height Turnstile CPW-221B

  • Full height turnstile CPW-221B can be divided into fully-automatic full height turnstile and semi-automatic full height turnstile.
  • With the mechanical anti-tailgating design, fully-automatic full height turnstile gate CPW-221BF can effectively achieve “one person passing at a time”. Its anti-tailgating function is relatively high and can achieve unattended management. After receiving valid open signals, turnstile arms will move towards the open direction for a certain angle, indicating pedestrians to pass through. After being pushed forward slowly by the pedestrians, turnstile arms will go on rotating automatically to the open direction. The housing and arms are with detachable structure, that is  easy for transportation and installation.
  • With the mechanical anti-tailgating design, semi-automatic full height turnstile gate CPW-221BS can effectively achieve “one person passing at a time”. Its anti-tailgating function, safety and reliability are relatively high. The housing and arms are with detachable structure, that is easy for transportation and installation.
Full Height Turnstile CPW-221B dipasang di perumahan, apartemen, sekolah-sekolah, mall, supermarket, area permainan/wahana, pergudangan dan kawasan industri lainnya. Konsultasi dan produk, langsung hubungi kami sekarang juga.
Anda sedang mencari Full Height Turnstile CPW-221B dan pemasangan di seluruh di kota Indonesia, jakarta, surabaya, bandung, medan, kalimantan barat, kalimantan timur, kalimantan selatan, banjarmasin, pontianak, pekan baru, manado, bali, aceh, irian jaya, papua, bontang, riau, belawan, karawang, bekasi, cikarang, tangerang, cikupa, banten, jawa barat, jawa timur dan yogyakarta. Hubungi kami sekarang juga!

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