Circlelock Solo

Full Height Turnstile Gate

Circlelock Solo

The High Security Portal

  • When it is imperative that only the right person enters an area of your building, there is only one security solution that will do: our Circlelock high security portal can prevent any attempt to gain unauthorised access and can even confirm the identity of the user entering.

A Circular Portal with Two Curved Sliding Doors

  • A circular portal with two curved sliding doors, the Circlelock opens the outside door upon authorisation of an access control system.
  • Once the user has entered the portal, a weight system or StereoVision system integrated in the door will determine that the user is alone in the door.
  • An additional biometrics identification system can match the biometric data of the user to a database to ensure the right person is entering the area.
  • Only when both security systems give a clear signal, will the second door open and can the secured area be entered.
Biasanya penggunaan Circlelock Solo di gedung-gedung perkantoran, rumah sakit, bandara udara, stasiun, mall ataupun gedung pemerintahan. Hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut!
Anda sedang mencari Circlelock Solo dan pemasangan di seluruh di kota Indonesia, jakarta, surabaya, bandung, medan, kalimantan barat, kalimantan timur, kalimantan selatan, banjarmasin, pontianak, pekan baru, manado, bali, aceh, irian jaya, papua, bontang, riau, belawan, karawang, bekasi, cikarang, tangerang, cikupa, banten, jawa barat, jawa timur dan yogyakarta. Hubungi kami sekarang juga!